Get more subscribers

Encourage your potential guests to subscribe

Most of your visitors are not ready to book yet. Get them subscribe to your newsletter list, build trust and have them book later.

Get a free consultation!

Hírlevél mockup

Get more subscribers

Encourage your potential guests to subscribe

Most of your visitors are not ready to book yet. Get them to subscribe to your newsletter list, build trust and have them book later.

Get a free consultation!

It’s how you get your potential guests to subscribe

Did you know that 98% of your visitors leave your site without a trace? Most of them never come back.
It’s vital to focus on the 2-3% who are ready to book immediately. However, for real growth, you need to capture the 50% who leave but would like to book later.

Hírlevél feliratkozás hármas blokk
Persona ikon

Don’t lose
your visitors

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to get your uncertain visitors to buy later.

Eredmények ikon

Increase your
subscription rate

A successful sales funnel starts with an irresistible lead magnet that makes it easy to gather the email addresses of prospective customers.

Kézfogás ikon

Convince your
website visitors

Get valuable email addresses and convert them into bookings by building trust and relationship over time.

Mobil popup mockup 1

Collect email addresses

Gather leads. Build trust. Boost bookings.

Build a high-quality email list of visitors who are genuinely interested in your hotel. Offering irresistible incentives (like discounts, free gifts, prize draw) will make visitors more than happy to share their contact details with you.

Engaged visitors are 25-30% more likely to convert into direct bookers.

Get Messenger subscribers

Email is still one of the best sales promotion tools, with an an average open rate of 22% and a click-through rate of 3%. However, the same message on Facebook Messenger can achieve an open rate of up to 85% and a click-through rate of 28%.

Mobil popup mockup 2

Collect email addresses

Gather leads. Build trust. Boost bookings.

Build a high-quality email list of visitors who are genuinely interested in your hotel. Offering irresistible incentives (like discounts, free gifts, prize draw) will make visitors more than happy to share their contact details with you.

Engaged visitors are 25-30% more likely to convert into direct bookers.

Mobil popup mockup 1

Get Messenger subscribers

Email is still one of the best sales promotion tools, with an an average open rate of 22% and a click-through rate of 3%. However, the same message on Facebook Messenger can achieve an open rate of up to 85% and a click-through rate of 28%.

Mobil popup mockup 2

Everything you need to get more subscribers

HotelHood provides all the tools you need to collect subscribers – without compromising the user experience.

50 + templates

Collecting subscriptions is easy with our 50+ unique templates.
We tailor pop-ups that support the goal and design of your hotel.

Custom form fields, list items

Custom forms allow you to gather any information about your visitors (e.g., date of birth) so you can send them more personalized emails.

Two-step subscription

Offer irresistible incentives on the first page of the pop-up, so visitors happily share their contact details on the second page.

Google & GDPR compliant

HotelHood campaigns are 100% GDPR compliant and Google friendly, so you can roll out pop-up campaigns immediately.

Behavioral targeting

Monitor the behavior of each visitor individually and show them a sign-up campaign at the most appropriate moment.

Intelligent targeting

Target different audiences with perfectly personalized, relevant messages to further increase your chances of conversion.

Get a free consultation!

Connect to your email marketing software

Easy integration with all major newsletter platforms and marketing software.

ActiveCampaign logo
Campaign Monitor logo
ActiveCampaign logo

Turn your traffic into quality leads!

Try the HotelHood solution now without risk or commitment!
Test our system free for 30 days and watch as your newsletter subscribers grows.
Thanks to quick and easy integration, you can see the first results in just a few days.

Get a free consultation!

Highlight your direct booking benefits!

Emphasize your hotel’s USP!

Boost your booking engine!

Take a look at our other solutions!

Highlight your best offers!

Spend less on Google and Facebook ads!

HotelHood megoldások

Take a look at our other solutions!

Highlight your direct booking benefits! >>

Emphasize your hotel’s USP! >>

Boost your booking engine! >>

Highlight your best offers! >>

Spend less on Google and Facebook ads! >>

By hotel type

City hotels

Resort hotels

Hotel chains

By method

Facebook and Google Ads managemenet

Hotel website personalization

Email marketing & automation